Reduce Reputational Risk and Liability

We specialize in providing fiduciary oversight, advice, and guidance for your retirement plan and its investment offerings through our fiduciary risk management services.

An often unaddressed area of risk exposure for an organization is its retirement plan.  Protect your firm’s reputational risk and fiduciary liability by partnering with a co-fiduciary who is an expert in retirement plan governance, oversight, and management.


    Reduce overall costs and streamline management, while complying with ERISA guidelines governing your employee retirement benefits.

    From retirement plan design to assistance vetting other service providers to communicating the plan to your employees, we are at your side when you need us, as much as you need us.

    Latest Posts

    The Conflicted Committee: A Fiduciary Fable

    The Conflicted Committee: A Fiduciary Fable

    Once Upon a Time… in the 1980’s to be more specific… there were a lot of hostile acquisitions of publicly traded corporations. Grumman Corporation was the target of one of these hostile take-overs; Mr. Bierwirth was its CEO. The aggressor was LTV Corporation.

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    Cash is Not King with Benefits

    Cash is Not King with Benefits

    My entire 27-year career has been centered on helping merit shop construction companies design and administer employee benefit plans compliant with prevailing wage regulations and I am still astounded when I hear that a contactor chooses to pay required fringe benefit contributions as cash wages rather than benefits because “that is what employees want”.

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    When Your Two Hats are Both Fiduciary Caps – A Fiduciary Fable

    When Your Two Hats are Both Fiduciary Caps – A Fiduciary Fable

    Once Upon A Time, a long, long time ago, a Northern California labor union and its participating employers established a “Pension Fund” to provide retirement benefits to union members and their beneficiaries. The Pension Fund was an employee benefit plan subject to ERISA.

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