As a merit shop government contractor — working on state, federal, or municipal projects — have you noticed that:

  • Margins are getting thinner?
  • The list of bidders is getting longer? and
  • Government regulators seem to be multiplying?

By utilizing the DirectAdvisors Trust, you can easily move fringe dollars out of payroll and into benefits. This reduces payroll-related taxes and insurance premiums, and increases your margins; making your bids more competitive.

The experts at DirectAdvisors can help you design and coordinate a custom bona fide benefit plan solution that is right for your company, and that integrates with your existing benefit plans, insurance carriers, and brokers. Your plan can be designed in a way that relieves much of the burden and expense of government mandates.

To learn more, please watch our 4-minute animated video here:

The DirectAdvisors Trust animated video

If you have any questions on how the DirectAdvisors Trust can help your business, please call us at 518-362-2119, or email us at