Year-End Planning

Year-End Planning

As the calendar flips from 2015 to 2016, it may be a good time to evaluate your financial situation to determine if you need to make any modifications to your financial plan.

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Will President Trump Repeal the DOL Fiduciary Rule?

Will President Trump Repeal the DOL Fiduciary Rule?

In recent months, a topic that we have frequently addressed in our blogs, our quarterly investment committee webinars, and in our face-to-face interactions with retirement plan participants has been the new DOL Fiduciary Rule.

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Suitability Standard vs. Fiduciary Standard

Suitability Standard vs. Fiduciary Standard

This is a topic at the forefront of recent financial headlines that we wanted to address as there is an important difference here between the two, especially as it relates to retirement plans.

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How Much Did 401(k)’s Lose to “Brexit”?

How Much Did 401(k)’s Lose to “Brexit”?

Our most recent blog post at the beginning of July entitled, “What Should You Do After the ‘Brexit’ Vote?”, discussed the uncertainties and fears surrounding the decision of UK citizens to leave the EU and the resulting impact on the U.S. stock market.

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Volatility Continues in 1Q 2016

Volatility Continues in 1Q 2016

You may recall our blog post from February titled, “Recent Volatility in the Financial Markets – Don’t Panic!”, which addressed the volatility in the stock market at the beginning of 2016. The rest of the first quarter was no different, as the markets rallied to new 2016 highs over the last few days of March.

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DRS Market Snapshot 2015

DRS Market Snapshot 2015

Volatility may best describe the equities markets for the majority of 2015, as they were impacted by economic stress in China and Greece, coupled with underwhelming corporate earnings reports, falling oil prices, and terrorist attacks here and abroad.

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Why Do People Retire?

Why Do People Retire?

Fidelity Investments in collaboration with the Stanford Center on Longevity, conducted a survey of 12,000 retirees. Their answers may surprise you.

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Rebalancing Your Portfolio

Rebalancing Your Portfolio

As the markets rise and fall, your portfolio will gradually move away from its target allocation. This is important to note because, as an investor, your investments should be allocated according to your risk tolerance, time horizon, and personal goals.

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What do Nestle, Samsung, and Mitsubishi have in common?

Is Your Portfolio Built to Weather Storms?

Market volatility, like the roller coaster experienced last week, can test even the calmest of investors. Constructing and following a sound asset allocation strategy for your long-term retirement goals will provide peace of mind even during extreme market movements.

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My 401(k)…Can I Afford It?

My 401(k)…Can I Afford It?

Contributing to your 401(k), deferring money from a paycheck to save for retirement, is a simple, convenient and important action we advise all employees to take advantage of at their workplace when offered.

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How Much Did 401(k)’s Lose to “Brexit”?

Target Date Funds Can Help Inexperienced Investors

Target Date funds have been growing in popularity for the last decade. Their rise in popularity can be attributed to a number of factors, however their “auto-pilot” or “hands-off” approach is what has led many investors to choose these funds for their retirement portfolios.

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