By constructing a bona fide fringe benefit plan, you’ll increase profits. Submit more competitive bids. Build employee loyalty.
Direct Advisors maintains a thorough understanding of the laws governing prevailing wage in the construction industry.
Find out how we can help you design and administer a bona fide benefit plan that meets federal and state contract compliance requirements.
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What do Nestle, Samsung, and Mitsubishi have in common?
They are large, well established, household names that are not US companies.
Would your employees like to receive double unemployment benefits and fully paid uninterrupted medical insurance during the seasonal layoff?
As we enter into February most of us are growing tired of the long dark nights and the cold weather. Most of our clients, at least the ones that work outside, will remain shut-down for the next two months.
Recent Volatility in the Financial Markets – Don’t Panic!
The first few weeks of 2016 have demonstrated significant volatility in the major market indexes, such as the S&P 500, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, and the MSCI EAFE.