By constructing a bona fide fringe benefit plan, you’ll increase profits. Submit more competitive bids. Build employee loyalty.
Direct Advisors maintains a thorough understanding of the laws governing prevailing wage in the construction industry.
Find out how we can help you design and administer a bona fide benefit plan that meets federal and state contract compliance requirements.
Latest From Our Blog
Annualization Issues Threaten Some Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plans
Many merit shop contractors throughout the United States fund supplemental unemployment benefit (SUB) plans to satisfy the fringe benefit obligation of the Davis-Bacon Act.
Utilize Prevailing Fringe Benefit Contributions to Satisfy Government Mandates
Federal and state governments often require employers to provide certain benefits to employees. President Obama signed his latest executive order on Labor Day, which extends the number of paid sick days mandated for federal contractors.
DRS Market Snapshot 2015
Volatility may best describe the equities markets for the majority of 2015, as they were impacted by economic stress in China and Greece, coupled with underwhelming corporate earnings reports, falling oil prices, and terrorist attacks here and abroad.